Aleš a Irena Kubicovi
Kamenná Horka 15, Krásná Lípa

Accommodations & Wellness & Yoga & Rental & Trips in National park Bohemian Switzerland

On foot

Step by step. Tips for hiking.

Waking trail: Kamenna Horka to  Vlci Hora

Waking trail: Kamenna Horka to Vlci Hora

Nobilis Tilia trail "walking close and close herbs" Trail: from Bohemian Cottage, Krásný Buk 1 km, Sněžná 2,5 km, Vlčí ...
Small walk to village Srbska Kamenice

Small walk to village Srbska Kamenice

A little short, but for smaller children there is a trip to Srbská Kamenice. Its length is 1.5 km. In ...
Hurray for the stairs or a walking trip from Doubice to Rudolfův kámen and Tokáň

Hurray for the stairs or a walking trip from Doubice to Rudolfův kámen and Tokáň

Length: 14 km (if you start from Bohemian Cottage, you have to walk to Doubice +5 km)Difficulty: MediumMarking: Red, yellow ...
2nd day To the Jetřichovice lookout on foot, down on a scooter

2nd day To the Jetřichovice lookout on foot, down on a scooter

What to do on the second day in Czech Switzerland? Look around from Jetřichovické walls and go down on a ...
Schramsteine ​​- adventure trip in the region

Schramsteine ​​- adventure trip in the region

Schrammsteine (Šrámová stones) The rock sandstone massif between Bad Schandau and Hřensko. From the top is a beautiful circular view ...
Pavlínino Valley Nature Reserve

Pavlínino Valley Nature Reserve

“instead of rocks and meandering stream Chribska Kamenice” Pretty easy walk full of rest. We chose the path from Rynartice ...
Games at Chřibska castle

Games at Chřibska castle

Chřibský hradek is one of six rock castles in Bohemian Switzerland. Hrádek is located between Doubíca and Dolní Chřibská. Park ...
Family trip to Dolský Mlýn in Bohemian Switzerland

Family trip to Dolský Mlýn in Bohemian Switzerland

Walking tour on paved road 4 km (Jetřichovice, Starý Mlýn 100m before the possibility of paid parking - Dolský Mlýn) ...
1st day in Czech Switzerland

1st day in Czech Switzerland

ow to spend a single day in Czech Switzerland? Tip for a 13 km walking trip. Start at Mezní Louka ...
Tip a short trip: Ascent to Falkenstein

Tip a short trip: Ascent to Falkenstein

Park at the crossroads Postal cone in the village of Jetřichovice and go along the yellow trail to try a ...
Trip from Kamenna Horka to Doubice

Trip from Kamenna Horka to Doubice

Leave the car in front of Bohemian Cottage and head along the blue road towards Doubice. You can also hop ...
Village Ruzova

Village Ruzova

Růžová is a small village with many stilt cottages on the outskirts of the village and with the church of ...
Movement and knowledge in the village of Prysk

Movement and knowledge in the village of Prysk

The nature and locomotive path is 2.5 kilometers long, starts at the local municipal office Dolní Prysk (smooth parking) and ...
Trip for nice view from Klic

Trip for nice view from Klic

The gateway to the Lusatian Mountains is the 4th highest mountain with the name Klíč (Kleis in German). It is ...
Trip Hvozd

Trip Hvozd

náves starý Tis hraniční kameny cesta k vrcholu suťové pole výhledy výhledy výhled na rozhlednu -Hvozd From the remote village ...