Aleš a Irena Kubicovi
Kamenná Horka 15, Krásná Lípa

Accommodations & Wellness & Yoga & Rental & Trips in National park Bohemian Switzerland

Food service

We offer granny’s breakfast baskets prepared with love by our real grandmother. We also organize vegetarian catering from the professionals for the group events.

Granny’s breakfast baskets

Price: 500 – 1000 czk / basket (medium – big)


Our grandmother will prepare for you wonderful “secret”  breakfast. Vegetarian version posible. Each basket (medium – big) is for delightful breakfast of 2- 4 people. Food items we choose according to regional and home-made possibility. It is always different and surprise what it inside basket.

For example:  Home-made pastry (cake, pie, ginger bread etc.), Fresh bread kind pastry from local bakery
Free range eggs, Farm butter, Home-made millet, Home-made spread (cottage cheese, chive), Milk, Home-made glass of cereals (oatmeal or other oat, cottage cheese, fruit)
Porridge (oat, millet, buckwheat, etc), Nut and seed bowl

Please order breakfast (brunch) with reservation.

We organize catering for group events. Please contact us individually on