Aleš a Irena Kubicovi
Kamenná Horka 15, Krásná Lípa

Accommodations & Wellness & Yoga & Rental & Trips



Only down by tandem bike: Krásna Lípa – Pirna – Drážďany – Míšeň

Bicycle tour to the city of Meissen porcelain, It is like repeating the question, “How is this possible, We kept going downhill?“. The journey starts from Krasna Lipa the spa town center and Saxon Switzerland Bad Schadau over Hinterhermsdorf. Is this at school (in our case a tandem bicycle) 2 relaxing hours pedaling along the river to the Elbe […]

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Published on: 23.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

Pavlínino Valley Nature Reserve

“instead of rocks and meandering stream Chribska Kamenice” Pretty easy walk full of rest. We chose the path from Rynartice still the blue nose, you will come to a signpost, Here we changed the color to red and went to the valley along the stream about 5km. Children to accommodate a steeplechase, which is abundantly […]

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Published on: 22.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

Pavlinino valley – nature reserve

“a place of rocks and a meandering stream river Chribska Kamenice” A beautiful easy walk full of relaxation. We chose the path from Rynartice along the blue path, still behind the nose, until you come across a signpost, here we changed the color to red and set out through the valley along the stream for […]

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Published on: 22.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

Jetřichovice and Pfeifer forest

One of the four new circuits not only for families with children is in and around Jetřichovice. The Pfeifer forest circuit starts at the church and follows the blue marker along a new linden avenue with beautiful views of the surroundings. Along the way, you will find a cat’s bench from where you can see […]

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Published on: 22.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

A few steps and you are on the Papststein mountain

The table mountain Papststein lies near the picturesque town of Gohrisch. A small town with an information center in the middle and a surprising number of cafes and pastry shops. You can go to Papststein from the town of Gohrish along the yellow road until you come across the painter’s path (Maleweg, red markings) and […]

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Published on: 22.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

Picturesque town with Stolpen Castle

If you drive through the border crossing Dolní Poustevna / Sebnitz in the direction of Neustadt in Sachsen, 20 km beyond the border you will come across the town of Stolpen with the castle of the same name. Stolpen Castle was built as early as the 12th century. An interesting fact is that in the […]

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Published on: 22.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

Games at Chřibska castle

Chřibský hradek is one of six rock castles in Bohemian Switzerland. Hrádek is located between Doubíca and Dolní Chřibská. Park at U Sloup game park (Information Center of the National Park České Švýcarsko). The promontory with the castle stands on the left bank of the Doubické stream and there is no tourist sign leading to […]

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Published on: 22.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

On snowshoes during icefalls

Icefalls are formed in valleys and gorges on rocks throughout the Czech Switzerland National Park. The most famous grow along the Vlčí and Brtnické brooks in the eastern part of the park. Most often, icefalls grow in January-March. However, it depends a lot on the weather. Kde výlet začít?  A) Obce Brtníky  apak po zelené […]

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Published on: 22.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

On roller skates along the Elbe

Route from Děčín to Bad Schandau (along the river Elbe). Good flat surface along the Elbe with views of the rock massifs. Several rest stops and 2 restaurants along the way. (1 on the Czech side in Dolní Žleb – Restaurace Dolní Grund and 1x on the German side).Free parking (under the railway bridge in […]

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Published on: 22.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

Tip on the rodinný výlet: Maximálně dolů k Labi

Maxičky je malá vesnice nad Děčínem, ležící kousek pod Děčínským Sněžníkem. V zimních měsících se v Maxičkách určitě budete cítit jako na horách. Zaparkovali jsme pod Restaurací Dřevák ( At 7.5 km you can travel to the tourist area and you will be able to see the area in a small area, you can also […]

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Published on: 22.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips