Aleš a Irena Kubicovi
Kamenná Horka 15, Krásná Lípa

Accommodations & Wellness & Yoga & Rental & Trips in National park Bohemian Switzerland


Winter in Czech Switzerland and Lusatian mountains offers skiing pleasure and wandering among the icefalls.

Tips for winter trips Bohemian Switzerland

Tips for winter trips Bohemian Switzerland

Winter in Bohemian Switzerland and the Lusatian Mountains can be freezing cold with lots of snow, but also icy with ...


Do you like walking in the winter landscape? Try an unforgettable climb to the highest mountain in the Lusatian Mountains, ...
Polevsko - fairytale walk giants

Polevsko – fairytale walk giants

When you get lost in Lusatian mountains, you might come across the picturesque village Polevsko (village of the year 2014) with ...
On snowshoes during icefalls

On snowshoes during icefalls

Icefalls are formed in valleys and gorges on rocks throughout the Bohemian Switzerland National Park. The most famous grow along ...
Tip on the rodinný výlet: Maximálně dolů k Labi

Tip on the rodinný výlet: Maximálně dolů k Labi

Maxičky je malá vesnice nad Děčínem, ležící kousek pod Děčínským Sněžníkem. V zimních měsících se v Maxičkách určitě budete cítit ...
Lusatian Mountains - Cross-country skiing in and around Polevsko

Lusatian Mountains – Cross-country skiing in and around Polevsko

Na okruzích v okolí Polevska v Lužických horách. Výborné běžkařské podmínky na upravených okruzích (dle sněhových podmínek, aktuální stav níže) ...
Jedlova hill on snowshoes

Jedlova hill on snowshoes

The climb to the third highest mountain of the Lusatian Mountains, Jedlová (774 m.a.s.l.), could appear to be very quick ...
Course: Ice-skating

Course: Ice-skating

The course is intended for beginners and intermediates (including children). In an hour and a half, you will learn the ...
Cross-country trails – Bohemian Switzerland and the Lusatian Mountains

Cross-country trails – Bohemian Switzerland and the Lusatian Mountains

Tips for cross-country trips in the Lusatian Mountains and the surrounding area. Possibility to rent cross-country skis. Service and lubrication ...
Crosscountry skiing from train station?

Crosscountry skiing from train station?

An interesting opportunity for cross-country skiers arises when the railway track from Krásná Lípa - Zahrady - Panský - Brtníky ...
Wonderful wandering in the circle of the seasons

Wonderful wandering in the circle of the seasons

The most beautiful are trips, The most beautiful are trips, The most beautiful are trips, The most beautiful are trips, ...
Crystal Valley

Crystal Valley

Trips to see local glass masters Lužické Hory, Novoborsk is the center of the glass craft in Bohemia. Some glass ...
Climb the highest peak of the Lusatian Mountains on snowshoes

Climb the highest peak of the Lusatian Mountains on snowshoes

Vystoupit na nejvyšší horu Lužických hor, Luž (793 m.n.m.) z německého Waltersdorfu za hodinu vypadá adrenalinově.  Pokud k tomu přidáte ...
Advent na pevnosti Königstein

Advent na pevnosti Königstein

Königstein Saxon Switzerland is a huge fortress located on the same mesa and is within an hour's drive from Krasna Lipa ...
WINTER: Mom and Dad I would like to go there on holiday?

WINTER: Mom and Dad I would like to go there on holiday?

Adults should not hold children hostage during winter and spring vacations. I mean, that the planning of that special week ...