Aleš a Irena Kubicovi
Kamenná Horka 15, Krásná Lípa

Accommodations & Wellness & Yoga & Rental & Trips



Jedlova hill on snowshoes

The climb to the third highest mountain of the Lusatian Mountains, Jedlová (774 m.a.s.l.), could appear to be very quick and easy. However, when you add a few tens of centimeters of powder and choose an unmarked and untrodden path, mountain obstacles suddenly appear that few people would have expected and easily overcome. With the […]

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Published on: 18.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

Via Ferrata Jonsdorf

The alpine ridge is about 100 meters long, 64 meters high and C/D difficulty. Whoever climbs the first two meters will conquer the entire via ferrata easily :). From the top there is a view of Jonsdorf and the Lusatian Mountains. You are at the top in 30 minutes.

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Published on: 18.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

Berzdorfer See

In Germany, 60 km from Krásná Lípa in the direction of Gorlitz, there is a flooded sand quarry. There is a 16 km long road around the lake (14 km with perfect asphalt, the rest gravel – the lake cannot be completely covered on an inline). Possibility of swimming (beautiful sandy beach) and snacks along […]

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Published on: 18.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

On roller skates at Bärwalder See in Germany

Route Bärwalder See (DE ) – 60 km north of Rumburk, a 21 km long route around a flooded quarry. The asphalt is perfect, the terrain is flat. There is a nice sandy beach for swimming and a few places for refreshments. Parking for 5 EUR or in front of the official parking area. The […]

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Published on: 18.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

Magical village Snezna and Fritsche Arboretum

The village of Sněžná (Schnauhübel) is located 1 km from Krásná Lípa. It has its own special atmosphere thanks to the beautiful church where some scenes of the film The Lecturer (2008, directed by Stephen Daldry) were filmed. The freely accessible private garden of Mr. Fritsche’s family with a number of remarkable trees and shrubs […]

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Published on: 18.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

Kunratice Switzerland

Kunratické skály (Kunratické Switzerland) lies between Kunratice near Cvikov and Drnovec. Points of interest: Charles’ Rest, chapel from 1834 (he had the Kunrat farmer and whitewasher Franz Hülle carved into the sandstone rock). Blueberries. Nobody anywhere. It is also possible to ride on scooters with children. For a meal, stop by the Cvikov brewery or […]

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Published on: 17.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

1st day in Czech Switzerland

ow to spend a single day in Czech Switzerland? Tip for a 13 km walking trip. Start at Mezní Louka near Hřenska (you can park your car for min. 200 CZK/day, the toilet is in the hotel Mezní Louka right next to the parking lot). In the U Forta information center, buy supplies for the […]

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Published on: 16.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

Tip a short trip: Ascent to Falkenstein

Park at the crossroads Postal cone in the village of Jetřichovice and go along the yellow trail to try a new outlet for Castle Rock Falkenštejn (cultural heritage) NP Czech Switzerland. Po 500 you encounter meters turn left, which continue after the first timber, then the metal stairs up around the rock massif. Long complicated […]

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Published on: 16.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

Trip from Kamenna Horka to Doubice

Leave the car in front of Bohemian Cottage and head along the blue road towards Doubice. You can also hop on a scooter, which we will lend you here. After 3 km, turn off the road to Karlova výšina (580 m.a.s.l.). You won’t regret it, the view of Doubica and Czech Saxon Switzerland is worth […]

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Published on: 15.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips

Inlinr trip around lake Kristyna

U Hrádku nad Nisou (40 min autem směrem na Liberec od Bohemian Cottage) leží pískovcové jezero Kristýna. Parkovací ploch je tu vcelku dostatek. Nazout brusle a vyrazit se dá ihned a to i  ze samotného Hrádku. Asfaltový okruh ve tvaru osmičky o vzdálenosti necelých 10 km jsem objel se synem do hodiny. Zastavit se můžete: Trojmezí, Mokřady, restaurace a bufety kempového typu  na jednotlivých plážích. Terén je většinou rovina. Vhodný i pro začátečníky.

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Published on: 15.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips