Aleš a Irena Kubicovi
Kamenná Horka 15, Krásná Lípa

Accommodations & Wellness & Yoga & Rental & Trips in National park Bohemian Switzerland


Tips for trips that are suitable to take in the spring.

Waking trail: Kamenna Horka to  Vlci Hora

Waking trail: Kamenna Horka to Vlci Hora

Nobilis Tilia trail "walking close and close herbs" Trail: from Bohemian Cottage, Krásný Buk 1 km, Sněžná 2,5 km, Vlčí ...
Small walk to village Srbska Kamenice

Small walk to village Srbska Kamenice

A little short, but for smaller children there is a trip to Srbská Kamenice. Its length is 1.5 km. In ...
On roller skates along the Elbe

On roller skates along the Elbe

Elbe canyon on inline skating village Dolní Žleb - like Provance boarder wayto lake Klopotské jezero (lake) Route from Děčín ...