Aleš a Irena Kubicovi
Kamenná Horka 15, Krásná Lípa

Accommodations & Wellness & Yoga & Rental & Trips

MYSTERY tour Bohemian Switzerland also in winter

“Every my mystery tours are original. After I look at your shoes and smile, I will manage special daily tour throught National park Bohemian Switzerland for you”.

@bohemianswitzerlandguide #bohemianswitzerlandmystery #bohemianswitzerlandfood #bohemiancottage #guideales

What is include?

Amazing view and contact with nature.
“Everyone with no photographer skills take immidiatelly proffesional picture like photographer @nour.armany who already joined tour. :)”

Testing and smelling look food and drink?
“Traditional food is not usually waiting in centre of capital Prague. There is chance to observe czech food during visit countryside and testing my grandmother cake:)” #bohemianswitzerlandfood

Itinerary (every tour has got original mystery itinerary):

9.58 am Pick up in train station Děčín
Morning part
Lunch time
Afternoon part
4-6pm return to train station Děčín

Note: If you like to see typical Top points of Bohemian Switzerland, please look at this my tour here. If you really like to visit one main top point in National park, like Pravčická gate orEdmund’s Gorge or Bastei. I can put to mystery itenerary.

Cheaper but faster by train from Prague or Dresden or Berlin to National park Bohemian Switzerland. You will use train by own and save budget. Easy online booking ticket on Buy train ticket 8:26am from Prague (EC 176). Return ticket we will buy together after tour.

I will pick up you in train station Decin (train EC 176 will be there 9:54am) . I will wear big ranger hat. From train station we will used my car to National park.

Tour code:10
Duration:9 hours
Transport:1-20 km (depends you like walking)
Departures:8.24  am (depends, how you like to wake up)
Starting point:main train station on Decin (train from Prague)
 Arrives:5.30  pm
 Ending point:main train station on Decin (train to Prague)
1 person 149 EUR per person
2 persons 99 EUR per person 
3- 4 persons 79 EUR per person
Small group (5 and more) 69 EUR per person
 Included:  Transport from region, Fees, Drink, Guide, Cake
 You need it:Sport shoes, Lunch (around 10 EUR)


    If you have a question, please write to note.

    See you soon …

    Published on: 15.1.2024  -  Filed under: Guided tours  -  Tagged: