Aleš a Irena Kubicovi
Kamenná Horka 15, Krásná Lípa

Accommodations & Wellness & Yoga & Rental & Trips

A day in the trees

The basic model of the full-fledgedintensive and at the same time safe tree climbing has several phasesDespite the individual approach to each client, none of them can be prioritized or omitted.

You can find more detailed information: (Petr Kočka)

Meeting at the agreed place – according to the agreement between 8 – 10 throw.

Familiarization with the material and equipment usedsafety principles.

Skill training for safe vertical movement – up and down.

Finding a suitable tree and preparing the way to the crown.

Own tree climbingstay in the crown – relaxationmeditation etc.)

Safe return to earthremoval and cleaning of equipmentthanksgiving tree.

Relocation to another location and further as in points 4. -6.

A short meditationthanks for this day.

Return to starting pointtermination – as agreed between 15 – 18 throw.