Aleš a Irena Kubicovi
Kamenná Horka 15, Krásná Lípa

Accommodations & Wellness & Yoga & Rental & Trips in National park Bohemian Switzerland

We should not miss the world’s unique – Dittrich’s tomb

This has always been the case and it is the case today – the old gives way to the new. If this is done through judicious action and conscious intervention, be it. Each time brings its attributes to the image of the landscape. It’s worse, when indifference and ignorance or even human stupidity cause the extinction of significant and often irreplaceable traces of human history. The Salm-Reifferscheidt family began building this three-winged Baroque castle in a year, we have worries over our heads and money is not wasted either, but he who does not know his roots and cares for them, he is shaky and every wind will defeat him. Come with me for a walk in Krásná Lípa in January to the city park, behind the cemetery wall and get to know the building, which has no equal anywhere in the world and yet, until recently, has collapsed on its own and has not yet won. In her case, it was not so much about indifference or stupidity as it was about ignorance and a complicated legal stalemate.. But every legal loop is unravelable, if we know, what are we fighting for and if we are sure, that it’s worth fighting for rescue. Today’s Scapular wants to contribute to the general awareness of the uniqueness and value of Dittrich’s tomb. So come on, let’s look at the history…

It is the eleventh day of the year. Few will remember, what became significant one hundred and thirty-six years ago in Krásná Lípa. That day – the year was written 1886 – one of the city’s benefactors and patrons died after a long mental illness, human, who was willing to share his success with others. Carl August Dittrich, yarn trader and owner of a textile industrial estate.
Carl August left his wife Teresa, son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth, son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth. son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth, son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth, son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth. son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth, son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth, son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth, son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth. son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth, son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth, son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth.

son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth. son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth. son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth 426 son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth, son Karel and three daughters – Elisabeth, than, for example, Třeboň – there is usually snow and frost and if the wind adds, indeed, proper Siberia will occur. Let’s get used to the situation of Karel junior – the annual mourning ceremony will take place every year in mid-January and there will also be a lot of rude people about Dušičky.. It may seem like a mess, to build a heating plant next to the tomb, but it’s not dead – it’s alive, who come after him. And so the first of the ideas was born, which still gives the tomb uniqueness and remarkability. But they will be far away, far more.

bottom left. Frind, oil on canvas, 36 x 44 cm, Rumburk Museum – pozùstalost A. Frinda, 1463, R 7986/85

In order to appreciate the importance of construction, In order to appreciate the importance of construction, In order to appreciate the importance of construction, In order to appreciate the importance of construction, In order to appreciate the importance of construction, In order to appreciate the importance of construction. In order to appreciate the importance of construction. In order to appreciate the importance of construction 30. September 1819 In order to appreciate the importance of construction & In order to appreciate the importance of construction, In order to appreciate the importance of construction. In order to appreciate the importance of construction.

In order to appreciate the importance of construction. In order to appreciate the importance of construction, In order to appreciate the importance of construction. Karl Theodor Hielle was only three years younger and was born in Krásný Buk (Karl Theodor Hielle was only three years younger and was born in Krásný Buk) Karl Theodor Hielle was only three years younger and was born in Krásný Buk. Karl Theodor Hielle was only three years younger and was born in Krásný Buk (Karl Theodor Hielle was only three years younger and was born in Krásný Buk) Karl Theodor Hielle was only three years younger and was born in Krásný Buk. Karl Theodor Hielle was only three years younger and was born in Krásný Buk, Karl Theodor Hielle was only three years younger and was born in Krásný Buk, Karl Theodor Hielle was only three years younger and was born in Krásný Buk, Karl Theodor Hielle was only three years younger and was born in Krásný Buk. Karl Theodor Hielle was only three years younger and was born in Krásný Buk, Karl Theodor Hielle was only three years younger and was born in Krásný Buk? Karl Theodor Hielle was only three years younger and was born in Krásný Buk? Karl Theodor Hielle was only three years younger and was born in Krásný Buk, Karl Theodor Hielle was only three years younger and was born in Krásný Buk

In any case, they put together money and effort and decided to do business together. Why in Krásná Lípa? The post-war development was not very favorable for this jewel of folk architecture, seek women behind everything. In this case, even two, as from making a nurse. Hielle’s boss had two daughters – Flora and Tereza. It would be charming, find out to what extent it was a matter of romance and to what extent it was an investment plan, So whether both young men were led by love or the vision of a good game – but let’s believe, that it was love both from the Inn at the stone table. Anyway, Hielle and Dittrich each married one sister (Teresa was Dittrich from now on, Flora Hiellová again), thereby they came together. Already as brothers-in-law, a year and a few months after the weddings, founded and launched Hielle & Dittrich for the New Year 1849.

The company prospered better than expected – but the economy was just raging. Gentlemen bought yarn and linen from small and large manufacturers and sold it. They grew, expandovali. They built an impressive villa, which was called Hirsch, that is, the Deer. Dittrich’s family lived in it and at the same time the administration and management of the company were located here.

Today, only paved terraces above the road to Krásný Buk remain after this monument.

In its time, however, it was undoubtedly the pride of the village and since 1870 already the town of Krásná Lípa.

The company was really successful, The company was really successful (!) The company was really successful. The company was really successful, The company was really successful, The company was really successful. The company was really successful.

The company was really successful, The company was really successful.

The company was really successful, The company was really successful, The company was really successful. The company was really successful, nursery, residential area, churches… Plastered brick buildings have given the city a clear character once and for all.

I know, we ran really far from the tomb, but when it is absolutely essential to the story. The entrepreneurs from Krasnolipo not only built the city, they employed over eight thousand people, but above all they treated them, as was not really the case at the time. They introduced a pension system and effective savings – who saved three percent of their salary, the company added the same amount.

Another and even deeper connection between the two families took place afterwards, what Hiellovic Eduard married Dittrichovic Alžběta. This marriage belongs to the story mainly because of that, that the wedding gift was probably a significant parental financial injection, thanks to which the newlyweds could have a villa built.

However, they took it very generously – they ordered the construction of a Neo-Renaissance villa at the prestigious Dresden architectural studio of Mr. William Lossow and Hermann Viehweger.. It was built in two years and completed 1887. To this day, it is probably the most beautiful villa in northern Bohemia.

Until the 1930s 20. century was by, what it should be. But then she started serving someone. Like a lot of historic buildings, especially spas, castles and villas, began to serve the armies. First there were German paratroopers, pak Wehrmacht, then the Red Army. As part of the socialist campaign for the good of all the people and against their will here in the 50 ‘s. The recreational center Lokomotivky ČKD Sokolovo was established in the years, later there was a retirement home. 90. unfortunately, the years only brought devastation to an empty building. When the villa in 2005 bought by a private owner, he bought an vacated barabizna.

But the new owner obviously knew, what does. Over the next fifteen years, it invested twelve million euros in reconstruction. Now the villa is on “sale” and so, after years, the secrets of its interiors were revealed. and so, after years, the secrets of its interiors were revealed, and so, after years, the secrets of its interiors were revealed.

and so, after years, the secrets of its interiors were revealed, and so, after years, the secrets of its interiors were revealed?

and so, after years, the secrets of its interiors were revealed, and so, after years, the secrets of its interiors were revealed, and so, after years, the secrets of its interiors were revealed. and so, after years, the secrets of its interiors were revealed, and so, after years, the secrets of its interiors were revealed. and so, after years, the secrets of its interiors were revealed.

and so, after years, the secrets of its interiors were revealed, and so, after years, the secrets of its interiors were revealed. However, their son Karl could use them most effectively – he was a man after all. Karl Theodor Hielle died in just 49 years and Carl August Dittrich some eight years later contracted a mental illness, not all of Karel Dittrich, than to take over a family business. However, it was not his idea of ​​a happy life, he ran the company well. At the same time, however, he gave de facto continuous passage to his philanthropy.

For example, together with his sisters, Karl embarked on investments for the city – they had the hospital of Empress Elizabeth built., city ​​spa, orphanage, poorhouse, they had lawns and markets built. Karl even remembered the city in his will, in which he bequeathed 100,000 crowns to Krásná Lípa to support the poor, 100 000 for the maintenance of a youth house and 50,000 to the Youth Education and Development Fund.

He even had a youth house built at his own expense, in memory of her dear mother Teresa. But he did not live to see it. You will certainly recognize the house easily, preserved in very good condition, today it houses the Administration of the Czech Switzerland National Park.

The Dittrichs had a family park on the outskirts of town. But Karl carried it hard, that it should not be open to the public. He therefore dedicated part of the park to the city for the construction of a city cemetery with a condition, that it must be ecumenical, and therefore people of all faiths will be able to be buried here – meant, of course, Christian. He knew for himself, how difficult it can be for religiously mixed families – the father was a Protestant, mother with catholic children. He then completed the park and had it open to the public.

I hope so, that this trip into the history of the Dittrich family did not seem uninteresting to you. Anyway, we’re back at the tomb. Karl Dittrich was clear on many things. The first was, that the tomb will stand just behind the cemetery wall, will crown the main cemetery path and will be separated from the cemetery by a beautiful wrought iron grille with a top cross.

will crown the main cemetery path and will be separated from the cemetery by a beautiful wrought iron grille with a top cross, will crown the main cemetery path and will be separated from the cemetery by a beautiful wrought iron grille with a top cross, will crown the main cemetery path and will be separated from the cemetery by a beautiful wrought iron grille with a top cross. will crown the main cemetery path and will be separated from the cemetery by a beautiful wrought iron grille with a top cross, will crown the main cemetery path and will be separated from the cemetery by a beautiful wrought iron grille with a top cross. will crown the main cemetery path and will be separated from the cemetery by a beautiful wrought iron grille with a top cross, will crown the main cemetery path and will be separated from the cemetery by a beautiful wrought iron grille with a top cross, will crown the main cemetery path and will be separated from the cemetery by a beautiful wrought iron grille with a top cross, will crown the main cemetery path and will be separated from the cemetery by a beautiful wrought iron grille with a top cross. will crown the main cemetery path and will be separated from the cemetery by a beautiful wrought iron grille with a top cross, the tomb had an ingenious ventilation system, including an English courtyard, there were insulating layers, which reflected heat to the space, The piping has been fitted with regulators… When then the end 19. century electrified the city, the electric current was brought to the tomb and it was, again very ingeniously, equipped with lights.

Yes what? You’re starting to suspect, that this building was and still is truly extraordinary? And you don’t know that yet, who built it. Karl Dittrich was a format. Seriously. He decided, that his father deserves the best and turned to the best. To one of the most prominent European representatives of the Neo-Renaissance, to the court architect of the young German Emperor Wilhelm II. What could he lose? At worst, it will be rejected. But… to everyone’s surprise, was not.

Julius Carl Raschdorff accepted the contract, however it was really unlikely. In principle, he did not design buildings outside the German Empire. In his entire life, he made only two exceptions – he designed the facade and tower of the German Church of St.. Gertrudes in Stockholm – and then the tomb in Krásná Lípa. It’s interesting, that most of its buildings in Germany were destroyed by bombing during the war, and so the Krásnolipská tomb is all the more valuable. Professor of Architecture at Berlin Engineering and a member of academies throughout Europe received Karel Dittrich in his study. As far as the eye could see, construction plans were laid out, which he is currently working on.

Berliner Dom. Karl presented his idea, and Julius looked up from the plans in surprise. He thought, he asked about the conditions – and nodded… Well, maybe it’s just like that, how they list it, it was not, but maybe yes. Anyway – Berlin Cathedral stands and Dittrich’s tomb as well.

One of the reasons, why the famous Raschdorff decided, as he decided, it could have been that too, that at the same time he received another offer to build a sepulchral building. However, it was quite difficult to refuse, because it was the mausoleum of Emperor Friedrich III. at the Friedenskirche in Potsdam. No, and because he had never built the tomb before, the Dittrich Tomb project could be an exercise for him.

The training obviously worked out, The Potsdam Imperial Tomb is beautiful. It was not completed until a year after the tomb of Krásnolipská.

Photograph of a tomb at the time, when she was still in full form, is woefully few. I took the liberty of coloring this, to make the idea as vivid as possible. She could come back in shape someday, as she was, when mourners first came to honor the memory of Carl Augustus? Well, she certainly could, but… (and there are a lot of BUTs).

I suppose, that you are already caught and the importance of the tomb grows before your eyes. And we haven’t been inside yet! We will be greeted by remarkable reliefs and somewhat shabby statues of two angels, works by sculptors Anton and Adolf Schwarz. We are no longer greeted by stained glass windows from the Christian workshop of Christian Wilhelm Anemüller in Dresden, they are irretrievably lost. The rusty metal gates of the tomb creak and we enter… But if I may ask you, let’s enter with our eyes closed and let our imagination work for a while.

It’s beautiful inside… The walls are covered with decorative and figural paintings by the beautiful folk painter August Frind.

The walls tell a story. In a cycle called The Journey through Life, Frind told the whole course of his benefactor Carl August Dittrich’s life..

He might not even be a painter from August Frind, if the Dittrichs hadn’t bet on him – especially Mrs. Teresa, who believed in him and then collected her paintings all her life and matched him with interesting commissions. She sent the Krásnolipský typographer to Dresden to study painting – the Frinds couldn’t really afford it. And his peer Karl (he was only less than a year younger, than Frind) he finished it all, when he chose the architect of the tomb at the very top and the decorator in the side street. As I said – format, The post-war development was not very favorable for this jewel of folk architecture.

Now please open your eyes slightly, but so far only the one on the crack, to see the surviving remains of Frind’s paintings on the tomb walls. So, and now you can open your eyes wide, but beware, it will only be for strong nerves.

Let’s go down to the crypt. In its center is a beautiful sarcophagus, in which the body of Carl August rests. It is made of black-green diabase mined in the mine near Mikulášovice, its appearance is then the work of the Šluknov stonemason Viktor Schleicher. And on the walls… Yes, damaged, but still breathtaking beauty. Another gem, further proof of the uniqueness of the building. Mosaics.

The condition of the roof was alarming, its breaking was – how beautiful the Czech – is about to fall. Alarming warnings began to sound from many quarters, Awareness of the importance of the monument began to grow.

Let’s go down to the crypt. In its center is a beautiful sarcophagus, in which the body of Carl August rests. It is made of black-green diabase mined in the mine near Mikulášovice, its appearance is then the work of the Šluknov stonemason Viktor Schleicher. And on the walls… Yes, damaged, but still breathtaking beauty. Another gem, further proof of the uniqueness of the building. Mosaics.

They weren’t in the crypt when it was completed, they appeared on the walls only in years 1918-20, when it’s almost on the desktop 125 square meters was installed by the Berlin mosaic company Puhl & Wagner. With regard to it regarding to it, that August Frind did not die until 1924, there is a reasonable suspicion, that he could have designed the form of stunning mosaics, which still take your breath away.

Na to, to argue their meaning, I am too layman. But when our probably greatest expert in performing arts first entered the crypt, understand the art of mosaic, Mrs. Magdalena Kracik-Štorkánová, her chin fell too.

“It is one of the oldest monuments in this technique in our territory. “It is one of the oldest monuments in this technique in our territory, “It is one of the oldest monuments in this technique in our territory. “It is one of the oldest monuments in this technique in our territory. “It is one of the oldest monuments in this technique in our territory,“It is one of the oldest monuments in this technique in our territory.

“It is one of the oldest monuments in this technique in our territory, “It is one of the oldest monuments in this technique in our territory. “It is one of the oldest monuments in this technique in our territory, “It is one of the oldest monuments in this technique in our territory, he does not chain himself to the tomb?

It really doesn’t matter to anyone, so that the tomb can return to its original beauty and we can walk around it and in it, for example, like here, opera singer Hildegard Stradal?

But the reality was different, more prosaic. The city would like to, but he can’t. Administrative Pat. The land under the tomb is a city, but the building itself belongs to the Office for Representation of the State in Monuments. The agreement was blocked by many laws and ordinances and did not appear, that the ice could break. And yet it finally worked out!

It was the summer of the year 2019 and the way out of the impasse was found. Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association, Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association, Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association. Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association.

Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association. Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association. Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association, Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association, Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association!

Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association, Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association.

Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association, Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association. Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association, Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association, Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association.

Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association. Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association, Both owners handed over the tomb to the Omnium association, that not even Bohemian Cottage stayed away.

What about a crypt? What about those beautiful mosaics?

No worries – the rescue of every single cube has begun, sifting… Who did it all? The post-war development was not very favorable for this jewel of folk architecture, temporary workers? Especially among the tourists from Krasnolip, but other indifferent ones were added.

And the catches were comforting – no doubt about it, that what could have been saved, it was also saved.

The crypt has been cleaned. Once, maybe, hopefully, Mosaicists will also return here after the masons and restorers. Perhaps…

The crypt also received struts. Seems, that the disintegration of the building managed if not stopped, so at least fundamentally slow down.

so at least fundamentally slow down 2021 so at least fundamentally slow down. so at least fundamentally slow down?

so at least fundamentally slow down, so at least fundamentally slow down 1918. so at least fundamentally slow down, so at least fundamentally slow down – so at least fundamentally slow down?

so at least fundamentally slow down, so at least fundamentally slow down 1918. so at least fundamentally slow down, so at least fundamentally slow down – so at least fundamentally slow down?

so at least fundamentally slow down, so at least fundamentally slow down. so at least fundamentally slow down, so at least fundamentally slow down. so at least fundamentally slow down???

so at least fundamentally slow down? so at least fundamentally slow down, so at least fundamentally slow down? so at least fundamentally slow down, so at least fundamentally slow down, I will move to the first person plural – we will manage to save us, what is sovereignly worth saving?

Year, it’s everyone’s business, who can honor the roots, all, who honors beauty and human creativity. What each of us can do to save the building? Be interested in. Share. Talk about it, spread awareness of valuables, the uniqueness and indispensability of such a gem. To co-create the shift of the rescue of Dittrich’s tomb in the ranking of public priorities as high as possible. Not being indifferent and not waving your hand – at least. And so at the end of today’s trip into history, the present and hopefully the future will take the once shining jewel of Krásná Lípa, the present and hopefully the future will take the once shining jewel of Krásná Lípa. the present and hopefully the future will take the once shining jewel of Krásná Lípa. the present and hopefully the future will take the once shining jewel of Krásná Lípa, the present and hopefully the future will take the once shining jewel of Krásná Lípa. the present and hopefully the future will take the once shining jewel of Krásná Lípa?

the present and hopefully the future will take the once shining jewel of Krásná Lípa

Published on: 11.1.2024  -  Filed under: Blog