Aleš a Irena Kubicovi
Kamenná Horka 15, Krásná Lípa

Accommodations & Wellness & Yoga & Rental & Trips in National park Bohemian Switzerland

Cross country skiing

Tips for cross-country skiing trips in Bohemian Switzerland and the Lusatian Mountains

Lusatian Mountains - Cross-country skiing in and around Polevsko

Lusatian Mountains – Cross-country skiing in and around Polevsko

Na okruzích v okolí Polevska v Lužických horách. Výborné běžkařské podmínky na upravených okruzích (dle sněhových podmínek, aktuální stav níže) ...
Cross-country trails – Bohemian Switzerland and the Lusatian Mountains

Cross-country trails – Bohemian Switzerland and the Lusatian Mountains

Tips for cross-country trips in the Lusatian Mountains and the surrounding area. Possibility to rent cross-country skis. Service and lubrication ...
Crosscountry skiing from train station?

Crosscountry skiing from train station?

An interesting opportunity for cross-country skiers arises when the railway track from Krásná Lípa - Zahrady - Panský - Brtníky ...
Crosscountry skiing Prachen

Crosscountry skiing Prachen

Feel free to park in the large parking lot at Panská skála (in winter more freely and free of charge) ...


Bohemian Switzerland and Lusatian Mountains tend to have good snow conditions for cross-country skiing, groomed runs several routes. So why ...