Aleš a Irena Kubicovi
Kamenná Horka 15, Krásná Lípa

Accommodations & Wellness & Yoga & Rental & Trips in National park Bohemian Switzerland


Would you like use bike? You did not get your one?? Like to test the e-bikes, snowshoes, skates? We can rent you: bikes, e-bikes,  rollerblades, cross country, snowshoes, scooters, seats for bicycles and other equipment.

Opening hours: as agreed Please, call ahead 8:00-20:00.

Contact :  +420 736 224 222,

Picked up at: Kamenna Horka 110, Krasna Lipa (red house with a big map)

If you are interested we the agreement will deliver equipment fee to place your accommodationCzech SwitzerlandLusatian mountains and Sluknov hook.



Pickup at: Kamenná Horka 110, Krásná Lípa Price: 350 CZK/day/ treking bike,  500 CZK/day/mountain Description: We offer bicycle trekking bikes ...


Vyzvednutí na adrese: Kamenná Horka 110, Krásná Lípa Cena: 350/ks/den Popis: Chcete vyzkoušet koloběžky v Českém Švýcarsku? Nechcete jet na kole ani ...
Kids bikes

Kids bikes

Price: 300 CZK/pc/day Description: We offer children's bikes for children from 3 to 10 years old. Option to add rear ...
Inline skate

Inline skate

Roller skates for children (29-34), men's (42,46), women's (41) Price: 300 CZK / couple / day For pickup: Kamenná Horka ...


Bohemian Switzerland and Lusatian Mountains tend to have good snow conditions for cross-country skiing, groomed runs several routes. So why ...


Do you like walking in the winter landscape? Try an unforgettable climb to the highest mountain in the Lusatian Mountains, ...