Aleš a Irena Kubicovi
Kamenná Horka 15, Krásná Lípa

Accommodations & Wellness & Yoga & Rental & Trips in National park Bohemian Switzerland

Jedlova hill on snowshoes

The climb to the third highest mountain of the Lusatian Mountains, Jedlová (774 m.a.s.l.), could appear to be very quick and easy. However, when you add a few tens of centimeters of powder and choose an unmarked and untrodden path, mountain obstacles suddenly appear that few people would have expected and easily overcome. With the help of snowshoes and Nordic poles, we walked the route starting in Jiřetín pod Jedlová for three hours, and the closer we got to the top, the more our snowshoes and poles were lost in the deep snow. I recommend it for moderately fit athletes as a direct adrenaline experience. After resting at the top, a descent several hundred meters below awaits everyone. You can, of course, easily go down the slope to the Jedlova sports complex. However, it is not better if you run in deep snow at a slope of even 30 degrees. You just fly here and there and dust flakes fall behind you.

Published on: 18.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips  -  Tagged: , ,