Aleš a Irena Kubicovi
Kamenná Horka 15, Krásná Lípa

Accommodations & Wellness & Yoga & Rental & Trips in National park Bohemian Switzerland


Hřensko (German Herrnskretschen) is one of the gateways to Czech Switzerland National Park. A small village situated at the confluence of the rivers Elbe and Kamenice is entirely focused on tourism. With an altitude 115 m n.m. is the lowest-lying villages of the Czech Republic. The countryside is admirable,  massive canyon Labe,  beautiful valley along the river Kamenice with the possibility of boating in the gorge (Horse gorges is possible in both directions on two sections – Edmund and Wild. Gorges are accessible only by sailing in a boat.).  Due to the low temperatures between rocks with mountain plants thrive here.

Current information on admission and operation boats in soutězkách at Hřenska.

Today Hřenska center is surrounded by Asian vendors. Parking and shops are overpriced and crowded in season. I recommend you view it easy Hřensko themselves own and quickly rush to the pumps or Grosser Winterberg (Czech Big Winter Hill)  the highest built homestead in Saxon Switzerland, just above the border crossing Hřensko / Schmilka.

The official website of the village: