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How to get to the National Park Bohemian Switzerland from Prague?
Jak se dostane z Prahy do Národního parku České Švýcarsko?
Free download map for travellers with introduction (transport, attractions, restaurants,… ) in English.
Pro lepší orientaci a typy na výlety si můžete stáhnout mapu zde.
EASY, COMFORTABLE, FAST – by train – the best way
Train ticket you can by online on Czech railway system, http://www.cd.cz or in cash box in every big train station (Praha hlavní nádraží), note: the train ticket is valid 24 hours, you can buy also return one
The fastest trains EC type (from Prague and going to Germany, city Dresden, or Berlin or Hamburg) get out of the train in town Decin and than little bit challange :)))
Vlak z Prahy jede do Dečína skoro každou hodinu. A je rychlí….
A) BUS – Directly in front of the main railway station in Decin, take a bus number 434, direction village Mezná (or during summer season also direction town Krásná Lípa, centre of National park ). The Bus 434 takes you 20 minutes and you can get off village Hrensko (bus stop Pravcicka: and then 1 hour by walk to Pravcicka gate or Bus stop hotel Klepac 30 min walk to Edmunds gorges – boat) :
Or you can join also bus number 436, which will take you 30 minutes to village Jetrichovice (cozy Jetrichovice views).
A) AUTOBUS – Přímo před vlakovým nádražím ()při výstupu z budovy mírně v pravo) je autobusová zastávka. Hledejte číslo 434 Hřensko- Mezní Louka (v sezóně až Jetřichovice – Krásná Lípa ). Popřípadě Autobus 436
B) TRAIN – You can get on to the passenger train direction to town Bad Schandau and get off village Schöna (Germany) and take advantage of cross-border ferry Schöna (DE) – Hrensko (CZ). It is going whole year every 10 minute. Details of this circuit can be found at: http://www.euroregion-elbe-labe.eu/
B) Můžete pokračovat vlakem směr Schöna (DE) a pak přívozem do Hřenska.
C) Taxi – You can also take a taxi. It will be cost 500CZK till 1000CZK.
C) Taxislužba vás bude stát okolo 500 Kč.
D) TRANSPORT WITH LOCAL GUIDE, Finally, you can contact me, local guide Ales and than I will help with transport from train station Decin to the National park Bohemian Switzerland by my car and organise tour for you. More detail here.
From Germany (Dresden, Berlin), you can use the same method to find transport to the Bohemian Switzerland
D) DOPRAVA S MÍSTNÍM PRUVODCEM – chcete-li vyzvednout na nádraží a prožít den s průvodcem Národního parku, napište na info@bohemian-switzerland.cz
2. Possible by bus from Prague?
Direct Bus Line from Prague (or another big czech city) to National park does not yet exist.
If you prefer the bus service. You have to go by bus close town: Decin, Rumburk, Varnsdorf or Novy Bor and then use other bus lines towards Krasna Lipa, Jetrichovice or Hřensko. More and bus schedule on http://jizdnirady.idnes.cz/
3. Possibility by boat
The season boat go on river Elbe. There are port on town Usti nad Labem, Decin, Hrensko to Dresden. More details at: http://www.labskaplavebni.cz/
4. Posibility by bike
Use the train for transport from Prague to Děčín and rent bike in Děčín (5 min by ealk from train station Activepoint).
5. Posibility by your own car
From Prague use highway number D8 direction Ústí nad Labem and Dresden. Turn off from highway in Ustí nad Labem and continue direction town Děčín and Hřensko. In village Hřensko or Mezni Louka, there are a lot of parking places. Usually cost 120CZK per day. (Attention: during summer season are parking place quite full from 10am till 2pm)
Everyone welcome. The National park is open every seasons only change natural colours.
See you here, your local guide Ales , @bohemianswitzerlandguide