Aleš a Irena Kubicovi
Kamenná Horka 15, Krásná Lípa

Accommodations & Wellness & Yoga & Rental & Trips in National park Bohemian Switzerland

How I built the Forge?

Inspiration …

A love for hardening appeared in me, when I studied in Finland. Around that time, I go to Scandinavia to get inspired. How the Swedes meet in bathrobes on the pier by the bay (a village if you will), they go together into the cold sea, where they talk to each other …

How the Norwegians build floating saunas on the water and you can take a sauna right in front of the National Opera in Oslo.

Building …

You have an old garden shed and a bunch of trees around. Beautiful trips in sight. Unused space.

Here in the Sudetenland, not many cabins from Posázaví belong, but in the old days there was no other way. At least we’ll give her a new coat and interior and she’ll fit in better now.

And speaking of editing. Every cabin in the north (in Scandinavia :)) has its own natural lake. Here in the Czech north, we have to dig a lake. And for that we need a proper hole.

We have a hole in the pond. We have to make sure somehow, so that water does not flow from it. Stretching foils, that is always the work of several dozen hands. The film weighs 400 kg.

And when we have the foil ready, we need water for the pond. It rains a lot in autumn, so sometimes it goes out of the gutters by itself. Sometimes a well or the fire department will help.

To make everything look beautiful, you need to line the banks with wood and prepare a duckweed for aquatic plants.