Aleš a Irena Kubicovi
Kamenná Horka 15, Krásná Lípa

Accommodations & Wellness & Yoga & Rental & Trips

Cross-country trails – Bohemian Switzerland and the Lusatian Mountains

Tips for cross-country trips in the Lusatian Mountains and the surrounding area. Possibility to rent cross-country skis. Service and lubrication Herby service in Rumburk.

Modified cross-country trails:
(Lusatian highway)

Prácheň – Polevsko – Kytlice

Šébr – Luž


Okolo Doubice
Upravené okruhy do 5 km od obce Doubice. Parkování u Staré hospody

Okolo Doubice
Modified circuits to 5 km from the village Doubice. Parking at the Old Pub

Krasna Lipa – Kamenna Horka – Place

Modified circuit 5 km leading from the Football Field in Krásná Lípa (possibility of parking) to the settlement Kamenná Horka (parking Meadow bar) you can continue to the defunct settlement of Hely along the blue.

Unmodified cross-country trails:

Kamenná Horka – Kyjovské údolí

Krásná Lípa – Skřivančí pole – Dymník – Rumburk

Krásná Lípa – Mikulášovice

Possibility cross-country ski rental.

Published on: 15.1.2024  -  Filed under: Trips  -  Tagged: , , ,