Aleš a Irena Kubicovi
Kamenná Horka 15, Krásná Lípa

Accommodations & Wellness & Yoga & Rental & Trips

Terms and contitions

The entire guesthouse is non-smoking

Please leave pets at home (possibility of accommodation with a pet when booking the entire building or Maringotka for a fee)

Bed linen and towels are included in the accommodation price

Check in from 15:00 on the day of arrival (we are happy if you let us know the approximate time)

On the day of departure, please vacate the room by 10:00 a.m

In the case of a reservation, we issue a reservation deposit in the amount of 50% of the total price for accommodation.
The deposit is refundable only if the date is occupied by another interested party.

Cancellation of stay 24 hours before arrival is 100%.

If you have a voucher for a certain date. The deposit is non-refundable.

Children without the right to a bed are accommodated for free

Everyone is obliged to secure their belongings so that they are not stolen or damaged, including things left in parked vehicles.

Always lock the facility when leaving.

The operator is not responsible for the health of guests during normal operation, therefore we ask guests not to leave entrusted persons unattended. The health and life of the accommodated guests are not insured by the operator.

The person staying is obliged to comply with the current conditions of the government of the Czech Republic, which relate to infection-free documents.

Everyone present is obliged to immediately report to +420 736 224222 or the nearest employee of the pension operator the risk of fire, a situation requiring the intervention of the police or medical treatment, and do everything within their means to prevent the spread of the fire or avert the impending danger. Call centers on phone numbers: EMERGENCY CALL 112, FIRST AID 155, FIREFIGHTERS 150, POLICE 158